Mila Borodkina

Front-end developer

Based in Prague, Czech Republic

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Welcome to my portfolio!

My name is Mila Borodkina.

I'm a Front-End Developer in training and I strive to build mesmerizing web applications through well-thought-out code and user-centered design.
I'm naturally curious and consistently working on improving my skills.
Below are some of the projects I worked on. Click on the "About me" button to read all about my acquired skills.

My projects

React Weather project

React Weather Project

React Weather App represents a comprehensive showcase of my skills in React.js, state management, styling, advanced tooling and deployment, providing users with a sophisticated weather tracking experience. Styled components and responsive design principles bring a polished user interface to life.

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Dictionary Project

Dictionary App demonstrates my proficiency in React.js and API integration. This project encapsulates an intuitive user interface with efficient search functionality. Users can display definitions, synonyms, and examples. It also has an audio pronunciation feature. The app is user-friendly and responsive so users can effortlessly explore anything they want.

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World clock project
Destination Explorer project

AI Destination Explorer

Destination Explorer is a web application for the travel planning. Harnessing the power of AI-driven text generation and seamless API integration, users can effortlessly input their preferences. Utilizing AI algorithms, the application analyzes these inputs to suggest personalized travel recommendations.

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World clock Project

World Clock web is a coding project showcasing proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This web application efficiently handles date formatting, precise timing, event handling, and interactive forms. It enables users to effortlessly track time across different global locations, making it a versatile and user-friendly tool for keeping up with world clocks.

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World clock project